Entry Preparation Instructions

Consideration and awards will only be given in the Main-categories and Sub-categories in which there are entries received. Participants may enter in as many categories as they wish.

Please complete this entry form and indicate the Main-categories and Sub-categories being submitting for. Banks must enter in a Main category for consideration in its corresponding Sub-categories. Unless otherwise noted by the entrant, submitting banks will be considered only in the country indicated on the Entry Requirements. Banks under common ownership may enter in multiple countries, but each additional country will require at least one main category entry, and sub-category if desired.

All entries will be analyzed by a team of AI experts at CGI, the global IT, digital transformation and business consulting experts. The editors of Global Finance will make all final award selections. Winners will be published in the June 2025 print and digital editions, as well as online at GFMag.com.

Entry deadline is March 3, 2025.

Main Categories: $850 each

Sub-categories: $650 each

IMPORTANT ENTRY NOTE: When completing the questionnaire, please provide responses to as many of the questions as possible. This will enable the judging panel to best determine your bank’s overall capabilities.

Payment Instructions

Entry fee payments can be made via check (payable to Global Finance Media), wire transfer or credit card. You will be able to select your preferred payment method at checkout.